Abstracts submission

Participants are invited to submit their results as abstract for oral and poster presentations. All the submitted materials must be in English. Multiple submission is allowed. The abstracts may contain a Table and/or a Figure (see Step 1 of the instructions below), so that they may be intended as "extended abstracts". An online and printed version of the accepted abstracts will be published on the "ECMS 2015 Proceedings Volume" of the journal Periodico di Mineralogia.

You can submit your abstract via the Periodico di Mineralogia website filling in the login procedure (e.g., choose a username and password, etc.).
Be sure to register as "author"
. You will be then transferred to the New Submission page.

Step 1. Starting the submission

In the JOURNAL SECTION, select ECMS 2015; in the  SUBMISSION CHECKLIST,  download the ECMS 2015 LAYOUT.
Save and continue

When preparing your abstract using the ECMS 2015 LAYOUT, please consider that tables and/or figures are welcome, but not mandatory. Please note that tables and figures may be integrated in the text for presentation only, but a high resolution version must be uploaded separately.
Illustrations (drawings and photographs) must be submitted as tiff/jpg/pdf format in a separate file. Illustrations should respect the page format of the Periodico di Mineralogia (14 cm x 18.5 cm), and must have a 300 dpi resolution (color and gray scale), and 1200 dpi for illustrations in black and white. Captions must be attached in the main text file. Lettering should also be as large as possible to allow for possible reduction without becoming illegible. Bar scales must be used.
Tables must be submitted as doc/docx/xls format in a separate file containing also captions and footnotes. For the tables, Author(s) should take into consideration the limitations set by the size (14 cm x 18.5 cm) of the Periodico di Mineralogia. Tables should be ready for 1:1 reproduction.
Very important: the final abstract must be no longer than two pages, all included.

Step 2. Uploading the submission

Upload abstract submission file
Save and continue

Step 3. Entering the submission's metadata

The Abstract title only needs to be entered
Save and continue

Step 4. Uploading supplementary files

Upload tables and high resolution figures

Step 5. Confirming the submission

Finish submission
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