Manuscripts submission

Publication of an "ECMS 2015" special issue in European Journal of Mineralogy.

Herewith we invite you to publish your contribution to the 8th ECMS 2015 conference as an article in the dedicated special issue planned by the European Journal of Mineralogy (EJM).

This special issue will contain a selection of high-quality original and review papers covering the thematic variety of the 8th Conference in Rome. We encourage submission of papers showing how spectroscopy contributes to solving questions in Mineralogy and related fields, rather than mere spectroscopic characterizations.
Manuscripts will undergo the standard review process of the journal. Giovanni B. Andreozzi, Ferdinando Bosi, and Francesco Di Benedetto will act as guest editors, backed by Patrick Cordier as the chief editor in charge.
The editorial team is keen on rapid publication of the special issue. In order to offer maximum and early exposure to each paper, first proofs are published online soon after acceptance of the manuscript.

The deadline for manuscript submission is November 15th, 2015.

Manuscripts must be submitted through the journal website and its submission portal "Submit manuscript online".
First-time users must register as author first and can then directly submit their manuscript. At the relevant step of the submission process, please choose the "Special issue - ECMS2015" section in the scroll-down menu.
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